Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How to make a closed-chamber baby habitat out of a 55gal Sterilite bin - short version

Since several folks have asked about how to make a closed chamber baby enclosure out of a 55gal Sterilite tote, here are some pics and description of how I do.

This is not the most beautiful option, but since the babies will only be in here for 9-12 months, I'm okay with that. My own Russian tortoise babies move outside full-time at about 9 months old.


I buy these 55gal (200 quart) Sterilite bins from Target or Home Depot, whichever is cheapest at the time. They cost between $25 -$40, depending on where you buy them and the time of year.

After trying several different kinds of bins, I've found these to work best.

I use an oscillating cutter with a T blade. A Dremmel with a cutting wheel will work too. Or in a pinch, a wood burner or even just an old knife you repeatedly hold into a hot flame… but whatever you do, use eye protection. Hot plastic bits do fly. Practice on a piece of similar material that you don’t care about.

First, draw a rectangle with sharpie. It should be about 6" or more up from the bottom, to leave enough room for the substrate.

Before you cut out the rectangle, drill 4 holes for the zip tie hinges. (2 holes near the left edge of the rectangle, 2 holes to the left of the line)

Cut out the rectangle.

Use zip ties to create the hinges. Optionally, you can also drill 2 small holes on the right side of the door flap to make a 'handle' out of a zip tie.

Cut holes for the basking lamp and the CHE (or drill holes to mount the radiant heat panel). Line the edges of the holes with aluminum foil.

I mount a 24" Arcadia T8 UVB Tube light fixture in the back of the lid, which I run for 4 hrs in the afternoon during the winter. During the warm months, my baby tortoises spend 30mins - 1hr outside every day for UV, so I don't use artificial UV light during this time.

This photo shows a door hole on top, too, but I ended up closing it off with tape because I just lost humidity out of it, and I never used it.

You can add additional insulation (though not attractiveness) by taping either silver bubble insulation, or styrofoam insulation boards around 3 sides. I also always set the bin onto a piece of styrofoam. The less heat you lose, the lower wattage bulb you can use.

View of the underside of the baby bin lid:

30" T8 UVB with a Euro Range Arcadia 10% desert UV bulb.
25W flood light (40W works too, just raise the fixture accordingly)
50W CHE, with a JumpStart thermostat set to 75°F. It goes over the humid hide. 

The 2 small cables are the thermostat probe and a thermometer probe, fed through a small hole in the lid.

For information on HEAT and LIGHTS, please refer to the baby care sheet and other articles posted here.

I hope this helps you as you get set up for your baby tortoise!

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